Homemade Everything Seasoned Crackers

Sunday Funday is baking up homemade crackers today!

I went back to the old old archives of the blog, because I know I made homemade goldfish crackers once upon a time (I’m pretty sure they had chickpeas and cheddar), but I must have never blogged it!  Craziness!  Maybe because they were a little on the tough side.

Anyhow, I digress.  This challenge today was crackers and apparently this is the first homemade cracker recipe I’m sharing on the blog.  I remember making the other, non-blogged, crackers when my kids were young and absolutely inhaled goldfish crackers and while I was working on coaxing them to eat healthy foods, it was still a lot of work, thus the chickpea base - an attempt at beans and protein.  However, the beans also created a less than desirable texture.

Okay, digress again, I guess I have a real hang up about those other crackers!  Anyway, the boys are much older now and eat balanced meals (at least at home when they’re under my eye) so I decided to make regular, non chickpea crackers.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to try my hand at homemade saltines as those are Spud’s current snack of choice.  And when I say snack of choice, I mean he comes home from school, eats a bowl of cereal, then takes an entire sleeve of saltines to his room to eat while he does homework…oh and dinner is probably only an hour away.  This kid is definitely in teenage growth mode.

However, Spud is also very picky and I fully expected a rebellion against homemade crackers, especially if they were trying to be saltines.

So I went for a more generic cracker and didn’t call it anything, and spiced it with one of my favorite spice profiles: everything bagel spice - so good!  I also made a half batch of crackers in case I was the only one who liked them.  And I added a pinch of flaky sea salt to the top because I was feeling fancy.

The result?  Crunchy, delicious crackers.  And I needn’t have worried, Spud inhaled about ⅔ of the crackers before his brother got a chance to try them.  Needless to say, I don’t know how to store these, because Spud ate them all.  I totally could have doubled the recipe below!

Sunday Funday


Recipe Note

-I used my homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning which omits salt.  If using store-bought, check the sodium content - you may want to skip the sea salt topping.

Everything Seasoned Crackers

Adapted from Laura’s Bake Lab

1 cup all purpose flour

½ tablespoon everything seasoning (see note)

½ teaspoon salt

⅓ cup water

2 ½ tablespoons olive oil

Flaky sea salt, to top

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and line baking sheets with silicone mats or parchment.

Place the flour, everything seasoning, and salt in a bowl and stir to mix.  Add the water and oil and stir until combined.  Turn out the dough and knead until the flour is all absorbed.

Split the dough in half.  Place one half on a rolling mat and roll very thin (I roll about as thin as pie crust, approximately 1/16 inch thickness)

Use a pizza cutter to cut the crackers into desired shapes/sizes.  Transfer to the lined baking sheet.  Bake in the preheated oven for 10-12 minutes or until just beginning to brown.

Cool on trays, then serve.


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