For today’s Angel Wings
Wednesday, I’m sharing a poem I wrote.
At least I think it a poem, or maybe prose? It doesn’t rhyme and the meter is off, so who
knows? Whatever it is, it’s a glimpse of
my life.
Today is a happy day,
The sun shines bright.
There’s a smile on my face
Nothing can take it away
Today is a Bad Day
With capital letters
I just want to curl up
Leave me alone until tomorrow
Today is a remembering day
Everything makes me remember
that day
A song on the radio, a baby
in the store
Thinking of Christmas…the
list goes on
Today is a tired day
Afraid of bad dreams
I stayed up too late
Like a 2 year old, I won’t
Today is a sad day
I just want to cry
And cry and cry
But I won’t cry…well, maybe a
Today is in between
I’m not happy or sad
But teetering on the edge
A breath of wind pushes me to
one side
Today is a smiling day
I can talk about Sarah with a
smile on my face
How tall she was going to be
How she would have made our
family complete
Today I don’t want to talk
about it
It just makes me crabby and
I. Don’t. Want. To. Talk.
Today is a breathing day.
In and out.
I can do this.
I’ll be ok.
Today is a Thankful Day
I am alive.
I have a wonderful husband.
I have two healthy children.
Today is a little of
I’m all over the board.
Happy and sad, tired and
Today is a day.
Today is an angry day
Why? Why? Why?
Someone please give me an answer
Why did this happen?
Today is a pretending day
I smile and I talk
But really I just want to
Someone pass the wine.
Today is a yelling day
You’d better steer clear
I’m trying to control it
But I’m going to YELL
Today is an accepting day
Where I spend most of my time
It is what it is
This is my life now
I’m the mother of an angel
Today is the day we were all blessed with this post.