
Fall 2013 Update:
This year I used 1 1/2 cups Jalapenos from my garden, all ribs and seeds included (they weren't very hot at all).  I also added 2 Habenero peppers for heat and it was delicious!  I'd estimate it to be a medium-hot this year.  Spicy enough for adults to enjoy, yet not too spicy for my children (ages 5 & 3)

This summer I finally planted and maintained a successful garden!  I planted my tomato plants and herbs in pots though, because I didn’t want to have to figure out how to chase off the multitude of rabbits that live in our yard.

Along with my garden success, I was able to check off another 30x30 recipe!  I made my mom’s homemade salsa using tomatoes and green peppers from my garden! *happy dance*

Below is the recipe as I made it.  I would characterize it as a mild salsa, though those who are more sensitive to spice would probably call it a medium.  I’ve also added a chart with some ways to make a hotter salsa.

Recipe Notes:
Mild Salsa
Hot Salsa
Extra Hot
½ cup
1 ½ cups
1 ½ cups plus 1-2 habaneros
Chile Powder
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tbsp

Recipe from my Mom

1 cup jalapenos, ribs & seeds removed from half
3 cups green bell peppers, diced
3 ½ cups onion, diced
1 head garlic, separated, peeled, & minced       
1 ½ cups white vinegar (5% acidity)
2 tsp crushed oregano
2 tbsp chile powder
2 tbsp cumin
10 cups beefsteak (Italian) tomatoes, diced
2 tbsp salt
18 oz tomato paste

Combine all the ingredients except the tomato paste in a large stock pot.  Slowly bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour or until the vegetables are all cooked.  Stir the pot every 15 minutes or so.

Add the tomato paste and simmer for 20 minutes.  Watch the pot carefully, stirring frequently, so as not to burn the salsa.

Use a heat-safe funnel to pour the salsa into pint sized jars, leaving some room between the salsa and the lip of the jar.  Screw the cap on as tightly as possible and flip upside down.  Repeat with the remaining jars.  The heat from the hot salsa will activate the glue on the lids, rendering a water bath unnecessary.  Leave the jars upside down for 30-60 minutes.  Then continue cooling the salsa right side up.

Makes 7-8 pints or salsa


  1. i deff will have to try this recipe! my husband LOVES salsa!!

  2. i deff have to try this recipe! my husband LOVES salsa!

  3. I LOVE salsa! This looks great!
    Thanks for sharing with my Super Link Party! :-)


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